
The Principle of Democracy

October 26, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

The principle of democracy is interlinked with that of sovereignty, and freedom is key to both. All are under challenge.

Western nations, western leaders, pride themselves on having a political system of government by the people through elected representatives whereby each country has the freedom to determine its own way of being. The importance of this approach was a determining factor in the way the European Union was set up, as a co-operative of countries coming together to help trade but ensuring that the sovereignty of individual member states was honoured.

Over the years since then this policy has been undermined by the expansion of EU decision-making into broader areas beyond commerce, but the key markers of sovereign status, such as the freedom to raise taxes and determine foreign and defence policy has been retained. Now, however, within the Eurozone area at least a country’s right to sovereign-decision-making is being removed, and very publicly.

Not only is fiscal union being discussed openly as a solution to the economic difficulties in Europe, but individual states are being told what to do at whatever cost to the peoples involved. However much some of the southern European members are to blame for contributing to their own debt crisis, it is undedifying to witness the German and French leaders in particular ordering Italy (and Greece before it and perhaps Spain to come) to take actions which may bring down the government and cause much chaos and pain for the people – and probably all for nothing.

The basis for democracy is the freedom to choose, and this is being disregarded yet again. In everyEU  vulnerable member state, the views and wishes of the people are ignored as politicians unelected by them argue about their future  - not with compassion but with self-interest. If the people were allowed to choose there may be great chaos for a time, but the principle of democracy would be at work and a new way of national being would emerge. Would this be so very bad?


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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