Worshipped by druids and Celts as a symbol of power, this wonderful tree, widespread through Britain and Europe, can grow to more than 200 feet in height with a huge girth. It is an important part of country life, and one in three of our trees comes from the ash family.
[caption id="attachment_1209" align="alignright" width="300"]

The Sacred Ash[/caption]
Sadly, they are under threat as a lethal disease which has decimated ash trees in Europe is feared to be arriving in the UK. Organisations like the Woodland Trust have been trying for years to obtain a ban on ash imports but so far only a voluntary ban has been achieved, which is not enough. Other tree viruses have entered our eco-system as a result of a thoughtless import policy, such as Dutch Elm disease and a deadly larch disease, and this may be another tragedy about to happen. There is much to be said for countries like Australia which have stringent policies concerning all imports.
I heard about the danger to ash trees just as I witnessed the felling of the grandest ash tree I have ever seen. It stood towering above the meeting of two mountains, guarding the Welsh landscape, opposite my home, and truly was filled with Spirit. It was cut down because it was too close to a power line, and it is ironic that this tree of spiritual power was destroyed to provide power for man. I miss it greatly, but know its spirit lives on elsewhere. The picture here shows it bathed in light, and I took it, unknowing of what was to happen, just before it was taken down. And a small ash grows behind the stump……