It seems that, several hours before the earthquake hit the Italian town of L'Aquila last year, a colony of toads, which had gathered in a local pond to breed as they had done every year over decades, vanished. It had never been known to happen before. Some days after the aftershocks of the earthquake had subsided, the toads returned.
It is believed that the toads sensed the imminence of the event by picking up changes in the electro-magnetic layer of the earth's atmosphere, and they knew there could be danger for them if they stayed where they were. It has been recorded before that birds and animals can act strangely before a major earth event, but the scientific proof has not been so clear until now.
You who are reading this know how much nature can teach us, and that by observing and communicating with it we can be assisted greatly for our survival and well-being. For some time now science has worked separately from nature. The tide is starting to turn, which is wonderful.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.