
Using your Third Eye

April 13, 2012,
Claire Montanaro

Everyone has a third eye, but like any part of your body it can suffer from misuse or non-use and for many, these days, it is dormant: for some, indeed, it has atrophied and it will take much work and even many lifetimes to stimulate back into life. For others, it can and will be shocked awake. Even for you, perhaps, who know and use comfortably your third eye as you meditate and conduct otherwise a spiritual practice whether formal or informal, it will serve you to remember that the pineal gland can calcify, thus dulling the power of your eye of infinity and the service of the soul. There are remedies, the most important of which are pure water, to flush out the toxins that cause the calcification (which is real and can be seen on X rays), and a healthy diet based on unpolluted food directly sourced from nature. Sunlight helps also, and so does peace of mind. It is simple, as the best things in life are. Myths and mystiques abound about the third eye, but the correlation between taking care of your body and the welfare of your brow chakra is rarely discussed. Concerns about the addition of additives like fluoride to your water supply, the manipulation of crops and the processing of food are valid for many reasons, and you may wish to remember that tiny, pea shaped gland in your head is affected, too, in ways that are of the greatest significance to your wonderful spiritual journey.]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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