The new moon that took place yesterday created a Grand Trine through its position relative to the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto and as such it ushers in a time of power and change.
Many people consider a moon when it is full to be at its most interesting or significant, and certainly it is at this time in its cycle that the energy of Spirit is closest to the Planet and at its most reassuring. Man may sense also that when the brightness of the moon is most visible and there is greater light upon our lands by night that there is less mystery and more familiarity than when the moon is at her most remote. She is most like her counterpart the Sun, the indispensible friend to Man.A new moon is a time of opportunity, new beginnings, and while the full moon marks completion of a cycle and the chance to look back, the new moon is a time when once again, regularly as clockwork, we begin anew and it is up to us through our decisions and actions to write the next page in the story of our life. So, it is a time of uncertainty as we face the unknown and know we must walk towards it, however much we may resist the challenge as we travel, it seems, alone with Spirit far away
Because of the Grand Trine, the real challenge for this new cycle just upon us is about power: power to do with our sense of identity, power in our relationship with ourselves and others, power in the world systems and about how we use our spiritual power. It is about the crumbling away of all that has served its purpose and the preparation for a major, tangible, material manifestation of the planetary transition under way now. It brings the future into our present, and it may be disconcerting. Hold on tight and prepare to fly.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.