
A Solstice Portal, and a Meditation

December 21, 2022,
Claire Montanaro
... a gateway to achieving higher consciousness....

As this strange year approaches its end, I encourage you to look back and to look forward with realistic optimism about where the world uncertainties are leading. 

It can be tempting to see negativity in strikes and violence and political erosion and all the other challenges we are reminded of so often:  some manipulators play games with our discernment as they feed the public a diet of anxiety until it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, which is why calm understanding based on our own impartial assessment is so important.  The self-fulfilling prophecy can be one of hope and trust, albeit realistic too.

There is much to look forward to, not least the opening of a great portal at the Solstice of December 2022.  There will be a gateway then to achieve higher consciousness and the lightening of the third dimensional human state; everyone will be invited to move through the portal but there will be many who prefer to remain behind in the fog of self-delusion that characterises so much of the modern world.  You have the choice too, indeed it may be your choice has been made already and the way is clear for you.  Fear and negativity without the highest will-to-good will make this gift of opportunity impossible, which is why finding the blessing and the truth in every situation is helpful.

The Solstice portal opens the door to a new year and a new decade of significance, and to retain the approach of pragmatic, compassionate realism in the face of sometimes tempestuous world developments will be self-protective and altruistic.  Your ability to influence what happens is enormous. 

I know it will all end well, for how can it be anything else with so many people like you working in service to ensure it does?

To mark this great Solstice and a pivotal time in Earth history and for you, I have created and recorded a new guided meditation.  Complex and esoteric it will enable you to see your soul beginning, the future of the world and to learn your part in that future over the months to come.  It will be very much of your creation and so deeply personal.

It lasts for 27 minutes, and can be obtained, free of charge, here:

and on the free meditations section on the website.

I send my love and every good wish to you, and thank you for your support of my work,


This article is the text of my Solstice newsletter that went out last week.  In case, being a blog reader, you did not receive it and in view of its message I thought you would like to see it.  If you have received it twice I apologise!

If you enjoyed this article and found it helpful, please pass it on to anyone you feel may be interested to read it too. 

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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