
A World of Contrast

September 29, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

Here in Britain an Indian summer has emerged, highlighting the world of contrast in which we live.

It has been strange to sit outside in strong sunshine and a vivid blue sky but to watch copper leaves falling from the trees as they prepare to slumber for the winter. Because of the warmth birds in my garden are nesting still, and as I walk by their breeding sites I hear a cacophony of shrill chirping from fledgelings protesting at my presence. The bats which live on my cedar home are active and feasting on the thousands of insects which have woken up rather than preparing to move to their winter roosts, but the morning dews are heavy and an autumnal smell lingers in the air.

It is an extraordinary and a magical time, with the world of nature enjoying perfect conditions and displaying herself, here, at least, in her best beauty. It is magical in other ways, too, with a prevalence of remarkable synchronicity which you may have noticed in your life too. Spirit is giving us reminders constantly that we are moving in and out of different dimensions and so between different realities, proof that we are living now in a world of contrast at all levels, far more than just the physical.

It is easy, as we look at our world, to see it in terms of what is shown to us perhaps by the media or by our sometimes limited perception, and not to see what else is there. As we see the political and material difficulties of Greece, for example, many of us forget its sacred heritage and the wonders of its lands which, in fact, are more important than this temporary period of disruption and change. Every place on earth which, now, is famous for famine, drought, flooding, conflict or other upheaval has another side to it, a side to do with beauty, or courage, or heritage, or nature, and certainly Spirit.

Remember, then, that we live in a world of contrast, and, as you see and hear what is presented to you, look beyond and see the other side.


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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