A perfect tool for life is Simplicity, for when something is simple it is good.
Humanity is adept at creating confusion and complexity where it is unnecessary, which is one driving reason why our world is beset by conflict and competition, driven by ego and distorted values. Cancer, for example, is so prevalent in all developed and developing countries (which is a story in itself) that the high costs of drug-based treatment and research is becoming unaffordable. Not only is it expensive but treatment is complicated also, and can be lengthy and very painful.Meanwhile, scientists recently have confirmed an earlier discovery that one of the most effective forms of healing cancer tumours is through the little flower which is the British Autumn Crocus, a flower recorded in early herbal guides as a, excellent treatment for inflammation. It is ironic that despite yet another proof of the simple power of plants to help us in so many ways, the medical industry continues its unhealthy and costly dependency on the profitable pharmaceutical companies. The quest for new drugs continues while the potential from the world of nature to help us in so many ways lies largely forgotten and untapped.
Simplicity of lifestyle, of farming methods, of travel, of money management, of government…look around you and you will see how little simplicity there is in our world – other than in the natural world, when human beings do not interfere - and you may imagine, perhaps, how different it could be. Try simplifying something in your life today and see how it feels. It is a perfect tool for life indeed.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.