

The Inlumino Global Spiritual Blog

A Journey through the Underworld at Wesak

We are so lucky to be alive now.   It is a period of importance, when every moment sees the great pendulum of transformation swing down in measured rhythm, ticking down the time to the end of the world as it has been for thousands of years, waiting to start its upward movement of new life.
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Lessons from a Mole

For three wet days, a mole ran up and down the soggy drive looking for food and gathering nesting material, her tunnel flooded but a nest needed.  Creatures of the dark, moles only rarely emerge into the light.
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Travellers of the Fields

Many wonders come with winter, among them bird visitors such as redwing, waxwing, and fieldfares sweeping across our cold skies in search of fruits and berries.
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2023: a Year of Shades, Light and Hope

The sun was late to rise this morning, and it was good to see the long night penetrated, at last, by light. We would miss the sun if it were not there: where there is light there is hope, and the knowing that all is well.
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Encouragement from Wild Bees

Some of you, I know, are beekeepers.  You may have honey bees which provide you with wonderful honey, or you may have wild bees that live high in a tree hive that is never touched, for their honey is theirs.  Either way you will know the joy and responsibility that comes from being the guardian […]
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A Kingfisher's Story

The great River Wye, the spiritual spine of Wales, is running at its highest now after weeks of ceaseless rain, and it is close to breaching the top of the bridge that links my village to the rest of the world.  The water meadow opposite my home, once part of an extensive river-sea, glows silver […]
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The Time of Revelation

The autumn fogs hang heavy over the bare limbs of the trees that surround my home, shrouding the mountains and also the water meadows that stretch beyond the great River Wye in front of my windows, the reminder of the time when most of Wales – far further south then than it is today - […]
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Earth Change, Climate Change

It is a reassuring delight to know that many of Earth’s secrets remain undiscovered, and that it is with reluctance and care that she allows us glimpses of the unknown to remind us of our place in the hierarchy governed by Gaia and to test our ability to care and do what is right. 
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Being in Control

Despite the protection of the mountains all around, today the wind roars in harmony with the great River Wye creating a cacophony of sound and movement that is both overwhelming and soothing; this place is a mosaic of flying golden leaves and flocks of thrushes and other birds filling the skies, and every level is […]
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Less is More

A two acre plot in a remote part of the Upper Wye valley has been my home for 18 years, and my focus of attention from the start has been to transform it from a much-admired weed-free and highly controlled show garden to a place that is a haven for wildlife.
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