

The Inlumino Global Spiritual Blog

Hollow Bone

Your purpose in life and death is to become a hollow bone, empty to the point of nothingness.  It is the greatest and ultimate challenge of the human experience.
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A Kingfisher's Story

The great River Wye, the spiritual spine of Wales, is running at its highest now after weeks of ceaseless rain, and it is close to breaching the top of the bridge that links my village to the rest of the world.  The water meadow opposite my home, once part of an extensive river-sea, glows silver […]
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A Solstice Portal, and a Meditation

As this strange year approaches its end, I encourage you to look back and to look forward with realistic optimism about where the world uncertainties are leading. 
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The Time of Revelation

The autumn fogs hang heavy over the bare limbs of the trees that surround my home, shrouding the mountains and also the water meadows that stretch beyond the great River Wye in front of my windows, the reminder of the time when most of Wales – far further south then than it is today - […]
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Self-Awareness and the Spiritual Laws

The aim of all souls, whether you in your human vessel know it or not, is to merge with the divine, and the purpose of your every lifetime is to inch towards achieving this momentous goal; in this, self-awareness is key. 
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Leo, and Taking a Stand

Esoteric philosophy and your experience tells you that the voice and energy of Leo is loud and commanding, calling you to listen and to see.  August is Leo’s time, and this month in this year he is stronger than ever, and he speaks to you with urgency.
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Fiery August

So often August is a sleepy month as nature is getting ready for another change of season.  It is a time of holidays, of leaves starting to change colour and there is a hint of autumn – or spring – in the cool dawn mists.  Here in the Cambrian Mountains the house martins are on […]
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A Solstice Hare

If you look for it, Spirit gives us a gift every day, a reminder of God’s love for us and of the blessing of being alive on our beautiful Earth.
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Letting Go

We human beings can be obstinate, clinging on to familiar patterns and habits and people because of fear of change, perhaps also out of inertia and a reluctance to give up something we prize.  Letting go can be hard.
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Ukraine and the Initiations

Russian attacks on nuclear plants in Ukraine and the serious possibility of a significant escalation in the use of battlefield weapons brings the sense of personal vulnerability much closer.  The uncertainty for we who watch is unsettling, but it is right that we share directly or indirectly in the pain of the world that is […]
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