

The Inlumino Global Spiritual Blog

Healing Schism

At this time of explosive change when anything can happen, Sunday’s Full Moon marks a dramatic challenge to us to move from self-absorption to extrospection, but without abandoning the key spiritual principle of self-acceptance.  With unworried but clear-sighted understanding of the world beyond us we can help to mend the fractures that are everywhere, even […]
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It is no coincidence that questions about integrity and principles are preoccupying the public at all levels in the UK, the USA and many other countries besides as revelations about public figures and public bodies emerge shockingly: virtue signallers are proving to be not so virtuous, and more scandal is to come yet.
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An Equinox of Light and Shadow

As the Equinox approaches, the time of true and total balance, the paradox of choice between confusion and clarity is stark.   This is our betwixt and between time where we sit between weeds and flowers, reality and illusion.   The hard part is recognising what is the weed and what is not, for all weeds […]
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Give and Take at the Full Moon

Here in the heart of the Celtic lands, July is filled with the signs of endings and beginnings as young birds fledge and their parents discard worn feathers while perhaps nesting anew or returning to their winter territory or even, if old, dying, their work in a happy life done. 
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Putin and the Will to Good

Power can create arrogance: arrogance changes people and can bring about their downfall.  One way or another arrogance never works, it never lasts and it never pays.
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Uneasy Spring Comfort

Unease is everywhere in our human world. 
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Beaver Truth

The effects of a powerful Beaver Moon last week are reverberating still, and its message of change will last for two years before a new cycle of astrological drama gets under way. 
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Being in Control

Despite the protection of the mountains all around, today the wind roars in harmony with the great River Wye creating a cacophony of sound and movement that is both overwhelming and soothing; this place is a mosaic of flying golden leaves and flocks of thrushes and other birds filling the skies, and every level is […]
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Life and Death at the Hunters’ Moon

Wednesday’s Full Moon is redolent with the memory of running and hiding, running and hiding in fear of giant black-caped horsemen seeking everywhere to find me.  It is my recurring nightmare since childhood.  They were hunters wreaking vengeance, and the Full Moon to come fittingly is the Hunter’s Moon, and the Moon of Decision.
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Freedom of Expression

One of the hardest aspects of being human is having the courage to express ourselves for who we are and what we believe, while remembering the consequences of what we say or do.  Keeping the balance between being ourselves with freedom of expression and doing no harm is important; it is about liberty, awareness and […]
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