Cats have played an important part in my life all of my life, and always they have arrived uninvited but with much welcome, and always for a purpose.
Just as our spirit guides join us each with a role specific to our needs at the time, so also do animals, and often this is unappreciated and the creature’s presence is taken for granted or diminished by the owners who may see their pet as a plaything for their children, a whim acquisition or just a source of affection. There is nothing wrong, of course, with the former nor the latter, but we lose much if we fail to look beneath the mere appearance and see how much more lies beneath.The cats who have shared my home have been protectors and guardians; they have taken my ill-health upon themselves and have been a source of wisdom; they have entertained me and loved me and when the time has come for them to leave they have arranged for a successor to maintain their role. Some people have called them my familiars, my assistants from Spirit and interestingly one of my cats (for normally two are in situ) invariably is black.
A black cat, Felix, is walking around my PC as I write now, as he always does at this time. He walked into the garden three days after our arrival in our home in Wales, from the wild, and has never left; he is a little feral still but he guards me well, and when I work he is close to hand though often invisible to others. He is a creature of the moon, his companion of the sun and both have given great gifts by their presence.
Whether it is a cat or a dog, a horse or a parrot, our animals deserve to be treated with kindness at the very least, and also gratitude for all they bring. They may be aloof, bad-tempered, kill birds, or get into trouble, or affectionate and well-behaved, but remember that whatever sort of pet you may have it is with you through its choice and for a reason. Please honour that, and it.
(I will be away for a few days so my next blog entry will be on Monday 22nd August.)
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.