
Striking the Balance in Libya

August 22, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

Striking the balance between assistance and interference is not easy sometimes: karma is at the core of it and discernment is the tool to help to achieve that balance as events in Libya will prove.

To help a nation or a neighbour for altruistic reasons and with genuine good intent, to see what needs to be given and when to step back, brings light to the soul of the giver and a link of love between both parties. When the gift is overshadowed by subjective need and a desire to bring about change for personal gain, the game of unintended consequences will begin particularly if the intervention interferes with the karmic rights of that entity to self-determination.

In Libya we see a situation where for reasons of personal interest Nato countries chose once again to take sides actively in an internal struggle between the peoples of an ancient country in a region destabilised already by decades if not centuries of western interference. However limited the involvement was claimed to be, the freedom fighters have now, as their country rocks under the weight of revolution, the expectation that they will continue to be supported morally and tangibly by Britain, the US and others; other countries too, like Libya, will demand the same gift of treatment.

The developing situation in Libya will be bloody and cruel, even more than it has been already, and the west will struggle to know what to do as the factions they have helped to achieve this result prove to have feet of clay. We have become part of the struggle for karmic resolution there, and as a result the scales of karmic justice are weighing heavy upon us too.

However, when we accrue negative karma there is always the chance to change it to something positive and the biggest challenges can bring the greatest rewards and most powerful learnings – and this is, after all, the era of harmony through conflict. Conflict is here and visible all around us, not just in Libya, a necessary though not inevitable part of the planetary transition. But for Man this could have been so much easier!  


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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