The Copenhagen Summit is under way now, and the arguments about national and corporate duty to do with emissions reduction continue. I wonder if and when there will be discussion about individual responsibility in all of this?
Many people listen with half an ear to the political and scientific debate, almost as if it is nothing to do with them. It is, perhaps, time everyone was involved, for we, certainly in the western world, have directly or indirectly contributed to the planetary situation. The reality of it would come home to all of us if we each had our own environmental monitor to guage what we "emit", with a maximum carbon footprint permitted. it would cause us to examine how we live and travel in detail, with implications for manufacturers and service providers also. We would be involved, and we would be helping.
What is rarely mentioned is the biggest factor in climate change, which is over-population. The truth is that there are too many people living on earth, with millions more predicted to be born soon. Our planet cannot support this many people. Which world leader will have the courage to say this - and do something about it?
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.