your soul.
[caption id="attachment_3347" align="alignright" width="265"] Christ on the Cross by El Greco[/caption]
The Easter full moon, which falls on Tuesday, is the opportunity for you to achieve, finally, the union of your mind with your soul. The habitual state of your mind is to be focused upon the needs of your personality, keeping you in a state of lower consciousness rather than in your intended, natural state of higher consciousness.
It could be said that that maintaining this lower consciousness is akin to the crucifixion of your soul, while living in a permanent condition of raised consciousness is your resurrection, and your blessing.
Easter is all about the soul. The soul of Jesus was raised on the Cross as he attained His transcendence, and the choice of the many who were witnesses to his crucifixion was whether, themselves, to live in a higher or lower consciousness – whether their minds would continue to be governing their personality, or they would choose the path of their soul.
This is your choice too. How long do you want to continue to be dominated by fear and negative emotion? Are you ready to be the expression of your soul? Can you be your true solar self?
With discernment, persistence, and commitment you can do this, and this Easter moon is a perfect time to achieve the desire of your heart, soul, and Spirit. Align your self with the mind of God, and feel the peace – and know it can be forever.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.
What a beautiful blog! Thank you Claire
Thank you so much, Jacqueline. x