last blog post, I wrote about how Easter concerns the resurrection of the soul. It is about endings and beginnings also – which is one reason why the full moon associated with Easter is of such significance. Even though I know that there is everything to rejoice in the story and the spirit of the Resurrection, with its reminder of our immortality and the constant love of God, I find Easter a difficult time. I grieve for no reason, and remember pain and loss that I cannot define; there are memories I cannot touch, and a sense of finality in my life that brings nostalgia already. While I know that change is both healthy and inevitable, I know too that the cycle that begins on Easter Monday will be life-changing. As the past wraps itself around my heart, I am preparing for the new future: spring cleaning has a different meaning when seen in the context of Easter, and I am determined to start the post-Easter era with order around me. I am gently tidying, sorting, cleaning and clearing, outside and in, and feel I am getting ready for whatever lies ahead. As I do this, I am very conscious of the 7th Ray, the energy of which will influence our world most powerfully in the new era that is beginning now, This powerful Ray of the Magician is to do with manifesting divine ideas in perfect form. It is about ritual and order, team work and community-mindedness, and about integrating the spiritual with the material. It is the only Ray for which I have not created a related Elixir, and I know the time is getting close for it to be made, and that it will reflect the new order within and without. The Ray calls for an ordered environment and a tidy but expansive mind along with a disciplined way of life. It is about the raising and good use of consciousness – a precept that is the key to the future of humanity and the Planet. It is fundamental to the establishment of the Christ consciousness on earth – which, of course, is what Easter and its story is all about. The 7th Ray is demanding and unavoidable, able to be felt for the first time through the thinning of the veils that have enveloped Earth since she was first created. This Easter is the perfect time to reflect on what the Ray means and how to work with it, to let it be a tool of strength and growth, not of rigidity nor materialism. We can create magic though the 7th Ray, and Easter is the perfect time to start. [byline] ]]>
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.
I did wonder what was occuring.....I`m feeling a slight apprehension this week &for no apparent reason/s.....
Thank you, Sat Kartar. I always value your feedback.