Another powerful full moon today... and the end of the cycle of tests and challenges, for now. It has been a tricky period for many people with whom I have interacted, and just as it drew to a close I heard of burst pipes, broken boilers, flooded rooms and other such accidents. For me also it has been a time of looking at what in my physical environment was needing attention, and dealing with it once and for all.
While it has been tiring and distracting to organise and look after plumbers, builders, tree surgeons (again) and engineers, all in the space of a week, it is satisfying to know that I have done all I can for now, and that my home can rest and settle in for the new cycle which leads into winter.
I suspect this applies to me, too, and that the period leading to the new moon on 16th December will be one of completion and preparation for that next lunar cycle, which ends on 31st December and which includes the Solstice. I have a sense the last cycle of 2009 will be of significance for many souls, not just because it it leads to 2010, but energetically. It is the opportunity for revelation and magic, mystery and transformation. The seeds for this have been sown long ago, and I see the shoots every day in the heavenly people with whom I have the fortune to interact.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.