
Reminders of the Plan of God

April 5, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

Thank you to all the people who commented, privately and through the website, on my blog yesterday.

Many of you, it seems, have been feeling the depletion and energetic tensions that I referred to, and it may have helped to know that you are not alone in your sensitivity, and that there is a reason for it: some of you talked about how being present in the moment, and connected to nature perhaps through a pet, assisted you physically and also at the deeper level of the soul.

If you find yourself continuing to be exhausted or anxious, you may wish to take some high-quality rose essence twice daily, as you would any flower essence. This was recommended to me by Rita, my gifted homeopathic friend who makes her own, and it is indeed a special and restorative gift which I recommend highly.

It may be few weeks longer before a sense of ‘normality’ returns to our world and it is important to do what we can to keep in balance and in discernment. You may have your own effective ways of helping yourself through this time, but sometimes, I have found, the little things (often free), like watching a flower or being timeless, do as much good as anything, for they remind us of our part in the great Plan of God.


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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