Today's full moon in Gemini gives to us the Festival of the Christ. It has occurred every year for aeons, but this year of 2011 is different.
Each of the three great spiritual festivals, of which this is the last, has been far more powerful than I have known previously. The three month period which began at Easter has brought great challenges to many: for some it has brought the sorrow of loss, for others their lives have been turned upside down, emotions have been tested and being human has been hard. Our planet has been tested too.If we are able to go beyond the subjectivity of our own experience, we can see cycles such as these - and there will be more - as being the birth pangs of Gaia: we are sharing her experience and feeling the pain of her labour, knowing that like most welcome and longed-for conceptions it is necessary and worth it.
Today the Being who is called the Christ gives to each of us the love and blessing of God left in trust by Buddha at Wesak last month, but more than that, this year, it is accompanied by a new powerful energy that will accelerate the birthing process which is known as Ascension. You are the co- creator of this great event, you are the midwife, you are the witness and you will share the rewards. So, today, give thanks and celebrate what has been and what is to come, and have pride in all you are and all you do, for it is perfect.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.