
The Full Moon in Scorpio - a cycle of trial

November 20, 2010,
Claire Montanaro

Another Full Moon is approaching, tomorrow, Sunday, and this time it is in Scorpio.

It marks the culmination of a cycle of trial as the spiritual warrior that is you is tested to the limits even of endurance. Have you felt as if you have been suffering? Perhaps now you will understand why.

While times such as these can be incredibly painful, it helps to know that they will not last for ever, only until the next cycle that is not so far away. Furthermore, the harder your human conflict  - which may fought through your body, your mind, or your emotions - the greater the spiritual prize as, hopefully, you move onto to a new level of being when the trial is over and you emerge triumphant.

This is what the moon in Scorpio is all about and, if you look, you can see it reflected not just in your own life, to a greater or lesser degree, but in the world about you as global financial systems and the stability of nation states are being tested right now. Scorpio brings challenge but also opportunity. The internal and external conflicts will, inevitably, result in change and the change can be life-changing in a way that is magical.

If we resist the challenge the pain will linger, dragging on and holding us down while our souls are longing to fly. 

Accept how it is today, and tomorrow thank the Moon for the gifts she has given you, yet again, and for the many gifts to come.

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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