I had a strong dream last night of a scenario where past and future events merged with the present, and some of these events were from another reality. Ghostly men and women and some wonderful long-gone animals (and creatures not yet born) mingled happily with people I know, who had no awareness that their new friends were not from their world of today.
Because of our human tendency to believe in the evidence of our eyes as interpreted by our mind, our perceptions and understandings can be limited to what we believe must be the situation in our third dimensional existence. It is more than the limitation of the Veil of Illusion: it is the limitation of the mind.
The Veil is, now, the thinnest of barriers and in place to protect us and to enable us to live life without the influence of spiritual memory. By standing in the Veil we can both observe and participate in the human experience and at the same time be aware of the multi-dimensional existence which lies beyond us and of which we are a part. It is not easy to do this in a busy world of noise and pressure and factual emphasis, but it can be done if we encourage openness of mind and heart, freedom from limitation of expectation, and opportunity just to be ourselves, a part of everything and yet also a part of nothing.
Look around you: who else is with you now, besides any human companions there may be? Look outside, look above, look below, feel...........and remember, it is not just people from the past, but other energies from the present and your future that may be around you also. You may even meet yourself - again.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.