At the heart of your planet is a great crystal, immense in size and stature*.
This crystal is the Spirit of all crystals everywhere, immensely powerful and all-knowing. In this great crystal beats the heart of Gaia and it governs your planet also. It is the essence and the key.This great crystal manifests in times of need and also when the spiritual balance is at its most perfect, when the pulse of humanity and of Spirit beat as one, when for the individual the soul and the personality work in highest harmony. There are long cycles of time when the crystal lies forgotten and ignored and other epochs when She is celebrated and honoured as she deserves to be. The well-being of Earth depends upon Her.
She manifests, when times are right in different ways and different guises. In Her place in the heart of the globe she glows pearl white, a crystalline lustre which is the colour of the light of God, but when she rose into manifestation on the continent of Atlantis she was blue, the colour of healing and forgiveness, compassion and wisdom, teaching and also of psychism, for the links with Spirit then were constant and accessible, more than ever before, for certain ones with the gift and permission to work with Her.
The Crystal exists, but is sought. If She were found, drilled, analysed, cut apart and sold for gain, human life on Earth would end for it would be the final desecration. This will not happen, for many guardians protect Her: the Plan of God in many ways depends upon Her.
Watch, for She is rising from Her hidden sanctuary now ready to lead those who are ready to the new world. You will see lands appearing where just there was sea and when you see this – for you will – you will know that beneath those lands lies the great crystal Goddess of before. As the new lands settle and old lands disappear, as the landscape of Earth changes forever in the memory of Man, the crystal Herself will be seen once again and when this happens you will know all is right with the world.
Her colour, this time, will be that of fire, and indescribably beautiful.
* Scientists have proof now that the centre of Earth is not molten lava as previously thought, but indeed crystal.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.