I have talked a lot in recent days about the importance of this particular period of time, and of how what we do now sets the template for the rest of our lives. If we want to take a new direction, introduce change, now is the time to do it.
This applies to everyone, including me! While I will be focusing increasingly on bringing the Seven Principles, the heart of our New Consciousness philosophy, to as many people as possible, I will do all I can to help individuals on their human and soul journey with spiritual enlightenment, healing and practical guidance.
My work continues to be overshadowed by Spirit, and I have been asked to resume deep-trance channellings on a one to one basis, not giving just the group transmissions I have been offering through the website for the past year. The energy which will come through me will be a little different, and will be known, for now, as The Master of Light. More information will be available very soon, and about other changes to my work.
While I have my intent set, it is in outline only and I am allowing as much space as possible for any and all opportunities to come to me in a spirit of limitlessness and acceptance. I encourage you, if you will, to do the same. Thereby comes peace of mind and heart.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.