Energetically it was a funny (odd) day yesterday. It was a day for misunderstanding and mis-communication, and the challenge of remaining calm and focused while being tested. It was a day for minor eruption, perhaps spurts of anger or reaction over nothing, perhaps frustration and impatience at uncertainty or lack of resolution.
You may have felt this in your private life or witnessed it in the external. In view of these energies it is not surprising that a murderer is on the run still in Northumberland - or is as I write - and BP's oil continues to spew into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. MPs are fighting over electoral reform and unions are angry at reform of public sector pay and pension arrangements. There is doubt about what to do about Afghanistan and questions over the actions of our security services in the UK.
So many kettles are coming to the boil simultaneously, and it may be happening in your life too. This is a time of such transition, right now, and while it may be uncomfortable or discombobulating, what comes from it will - if you allow it - be magnificent.
The new cycle begins on Sunday with the New Moon and a full eclipse. So, accept what is with understanding and grace now and always: it will ease the transition and facilitate the advent of great adventures, at all levels of your being.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.