
The Resilience of Nature

May 25, 2012,
Claire Montanaro

Each year, as thousands of birds return from their long and hazardous journey to reach their summer breeding grounds, I am awed by their courage and achievement – though many, sadly, die on the way, and indeed there is much concern about the relentless decline in their numbers. This part of Wales, at least, because of its comparative lack of development and the unspoilt nature of the environment is a stronghold for some of the endangered species, and so it is a double delight to welcome them back. May is an important month for it is when nesting starts for most of them, and, being insect eaters, the weather is an essential factor in determining whether their young will survive. The cold, wet conditions they experienced when food was scarce were truly unfortunate, and many of us were concerned that broods of all the nesting birds would suffer badly. This week, however, has proven to me that nature is stronger than we know, for there has been an abundance of births, not just among the summer visitors but among the resident birds too, and I believe I have seen more fledglings than any year before. Parent thrushes, blackbirds, wrens, robins, sparrows, nuthatches, chaffinches, dunnocks all have proudly flown their young in military formation around the garden as they practised their first flight, and in large numbers, and I was particularly happy to see the visitor species like flycatchers and redstarts successfully rearing large families too, despite the earlier bad weather conditions. As I watched young flycatchers early this morning, which had fledged last night, tumbling and playing as they tried to fly and catch an insect, just like a grown-up, I was filled with gratitude both for the experience and for the kindness of nature. Yes, she can be cruel, but always for a reason, and I have been reminded today that nature, the most powerful element on our planet, will survive, always.]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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