
The Significance of the Elements

September 28, 2010,
Claire Montanaro

Each of us has an affinity with all the five Elements, but are attuned to one in particular. Which it is is determined by our ray profile, our astrological patterns, our human plan and service and by our cosmic path.

For many people there is no awareness of their connections with Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Spirit, and so they do not understand how working with - or even just awareness of - the Spirit of the Elements and their physical manifestations can be of great value in assisting their human and spiritual journey. Indeed, it is easy for all of us to forget, and I know that living in a city can inhibit the process also. 

I was reminded of this yesterday as I was talking to a sensitive, gifted woman who is on a rapid transformational path. We were discussing energies and inter-connectedness, and she described movingly and eloquently her love for the land, her growing sense of being a part of it and her wish to help it. This is someone for whom the element of Earth is very important, and her wish to honour and support it is proving already to be having a huge impact on her life in a most positive way, at every level.

If this is of interest to you, I encourage you to identify which of the elements is calling to you, and to do what you can to develop your relationship with it. The element of Spirit is everywhere and in everything, of course, but you belong to one of the other four. Fire is the Sun, warmth, flames, light, candles, red……Earth is the land and nature generally……Air is  wind, birds, communication, tree-tops, breath……Water is rivers, seas, lakes, dew……

Each Element has its own Spirit which you can get to know. If you choose to do so, remember they are powerful. Do not treat them lightly or irreverently.

Sadly, these Spirits and the Elements they guard have been overlooked by humans for too long, but their time for prominence is returning. It is up to us whether we work with them or resist them - and I know which choice I prefer.

If you enjoyed this article and found it helpful, please pass it on to anyone you feel may be interested to read it too. 

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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