
The Ultimate Reality

May 4, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

After the interest and excitement of the past two days following the killing of Osama bin Laden, there is a sense today of fractiousness in the world.

It is no coincidence that this is the time of the new moon, an opportunity for reflection and completion, for tying up loose ends before a new cycle begins. It is the time for questions and answers, for the truth to be told, for reality to be confronted and illusion dispelled, to enable everyone to move on to their new present. This applies not only to the American government but to political leaders and activists everywhere who may be fighting elections or struggling with bankrupt economies or corruption, and to you and me.

Change of wonderful magnitude is knocking to be allowed in, and doors are opening for it already. If you too are feeling an explicable unease or sadness or restlessness, then your soul is in active preparation. It can be uncomfortable, and it may help, today, to find something beautiful on which you can place your focus for a few minutes, forgetting the world of matter in that time. Beauty in whatever form it comes is a gift from God, and by noticing it around you you are reminding yourself of the beauty that lies within, which is the ultimate reality.


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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