
World Events Coming to a Boil

July 15, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

I happen to own an Aga stove, and when in recent days I have looked at it or used it, in my mind I see its two hotplates covered with pans simmering away all representing world events coming to a boil.

For this is what is happening, and it is no coincidence that I am writing this at exactly the time of the Full Moon, always a time of culmination. The pans will continue to bubble violently for a little while yet before they spill over completely and for ever, part of the transition of Gaia. People are trying to contain them by putting lids on them, but they will prove futile, for upheaval is everywhere.

Today the focus is on the reality behind the News Corp illusion which is involving the media, police and politicians, power and corruption, but simultaneously world economies are teetering and our Planet is flexing her muscles again with earthquakes and eruptions that are hardly reported but which are highly significant nonetheless.

What will be left when the pans have boiled dry? Some will be burned and unusable, needing complete replacement. Others which are more durable will need a polish to restore their lustre, but they will come back to full life and with careful use will last for ever. Earth is in the latter category, and I leave it to you to determine which pans and their contents fall into the former. The answer is not, as they say, rocket science.


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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