Opinions are divided about Donald Trump as he prepares to be president once again, but no-one can deny his ambition and self-belief, nor that often he achieves what he wants because of his hunger to change what he sees as flawed and because he has no sense of limitation. He has massive hubris which damaged him before but which may, this time, used another way, force the world to listen. History will determine if it is for good or ill.
The power of his personality and the strength of his determination exemplify what a human being can do and be. I am not suggesting that you or I should emulate the ego of Donald Trump, but his self-acceptance and resolve are qualities displayed by many of the remarkable people of our age such as Churchill, Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Mandela, and the great spiritual teachers also like Buddha and Jesus. They were driven by a selfless sense of commitment to a belief or cause and a desire to make the world better, and usually, somehow, they succeeded despite their human weakness.
To know our weaknesses does not make us weak. Rueful self-awareness encourages us to overcome them through attention and practice but always without becoming over-focused upon them. It is important, too, that we do not feel a lesser person because of them: if our sense of self-worth is dented, immediately we are limiting ourselves from knowing or realising our unlimited potential; our emotions suffer and negativity creeps in as we view the world from a place of subjective judgment and sometimes fear. Our souls, longing to fly free and boundless, suffer quietly in the imaginary girdle of human restriction.
Self-preoccupation or pain did not deter great historical figures from doing all they could to achieve their driving sense of purpose – Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Einstein, Pankhurst, Mozart for example – and without them our world would be the lesser.
As we see Donald Trump appointed to be the most powerful person in the world for a brief period of time, he will also be the most tested because of the great weight of responsibility he will be assuming. His tenure may see a period of great change beginning almost as his second term starts. It will not be a “normal” presidency, and leadership based on wisdom and responsibility will be needed in a time of great, sometimes shocking, events.
It may be President Trump will be the perfect person to deal with what is to come, and his strong sense of destiny may be proved to be right. Or not…..Whether it is he or someone else, a world leader will come forward at the perfect time to take us forward into the new civilisation that is on its way.
You never know, it may be you.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.
Good morning Claire I hope this finds you well. I woke up in the early hours this morning and within 5 minutes you popped into my head.I loved your post! It reminded me to stop using my weaknesses as an excuse not to be who I truely am. I was given wings to fly and through me focusing on my weaknesses it has taken the sky from me. Thank you Claire for all the great and much needed work you do for when someone like me shows up. Your post has lit me up. Much love Jackie
How lovely to hear from you, Jackie! Thank you both for commenting and for understanding what i was saying. You fly high and well. Claire xx