
Water, Water Everywhere….?

October 18, 2024,
Claire Montanaro
Know calm waters will come……

Little attention has been paid to recent warnings from scientists that the global system of ocean currants that regulate water flows and climate may be about to collapse, possibly going into reverse with significant implications for food and water supplies, and weather patterns world-wide.

Water has been taken for granted for too long.  There has been the careless belief that the availability and quantity of water on Earth is self-sustaining, but, for the first time the perennial model of constancy is changing as water becomes scarcer and demand becomes stronger.  It feels sometimes as if we are blindly careering towards a cliff edge because we refuse to see what we are doing to our beautiful planet, with devastating but totally self-inflicted and unnecessary results.  

It is ironic that the excessive demand for water comes from the thirsty renewable energy industry as well as the hasty development of massive data processing centres.  As permission is given for another wind farm or building development, no thought is given as to whether the water resources in the area are suitable for what is planned – nor, for that matter, if there is enough electricity to operate these power-hungry plants.  Technology is starting to be prioritised over the needs of people, and certainly the needs of Earth.

You are in life now because you have earned the right to see the culmination of this phase of God’s great experiment.  You are witnessing the great test that was Atlantis being played out again as this new march of scientific experimentation and development threatens to take over the human world.  Mind control through the subliminal influences of smart phones, apps and social media is affecting many people, and it is concerning that this generation of children is clearly affected very adversely as cases of mental illness surge. It is Atlantis all over again.

I do not forget that, as Atlantean technologists reached the point of trying to control souls, intervention was necessary and Atlantis had to fall through the power of nature and particularly of the waters around the continent.  It is no coincidence that ocean currents are changing, as a result of which there may be another great flood and climate change of an extraordinary nature.  If humanity goes too far, we will be stopped.

We are at the point of no return, the tipping point of test and challenge and the future of humanity is being determined now.  It is important to remember that we are not powerless in this time of change, and that our attitude and actions individually will make a difference to an outcome which is not inevitable.  Use water wisely and gratefully, and use technology mindfully and minimally; nourish your body simply and well; and honour and support the natural world around you.

You are on Earth as a reward for your past endeavours through many lifetimes, and the gift is the witnessing of the birth of the new civilisation that has been so long-awaited.  The fall of Atlantis resulted in a changed world, and what is to come for us, however it manifests and whatever its cause, will be even more magnificent. 

Do not be afraid in this time of uncertainty: be realistic, help where you can and know calm waters will come.  You are an influencer, and you can change the world.

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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