
Germany suppressing the Light of Truth

July 22, 2011,
Claire Montanaro

Germany was, yesterday, central to the decisions likely to lead to a default by Greece on her debts: for days Chancellor Merkel has hesitated between a decision on the faltering European economy which would have (apparent) long-term good for Europe and beyond, or which would help her popularity with German voters who are resistant to helping their European neigbours further. Political expediency, unsurprisingly, won.

Although her insistence on this path was in conflict with the European Central Bank and other leaders, attempts have begun already to ensure that the best gloss possible can be put on the situation. It is ironic but again unsurprising that just as several times before in its brief history the EU has changed or ignored the rules governing monetary union, now attempts will be made to ensure that the power of the credit rating agencies, the institutions which decide if a country is in default or not, is reduced – in effect, to hide the truth of what is happening. Once again the Veil of Illusion is being pulled firmly into place.

The Light of Truth is too strong now and, just as sunshine melts ice, so the power of its increasing brilliance is unstoppable and the Veil will be swept away. Greece will default, publicly and visibly, and there is no shame in it for in this we see karma in action and learnings for many. If a wall is held up with pretty but useless tape, it will crumble nonetheless, and Europe, at least, is crumbling now. It is a blessing in disguise.

People forget that if a wall comes down it is the opportunity to begin again perhaps quite differently, re building it but this time using the best materials and craftsmanship, ensuring the foundations are solid and that it is suitable for its purpose. All that is needed to achieve this is in place, except, for now, human discernment and acceptance.

The Principles of Discernment and Acceptance are part of the philosophy of the New Consciousness taught by Inlumino Global.


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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.


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