Change matters: this is an important time, and it is no coincidence that the temporal changes we witness occur as the spiritual transformation accelerates. It has to be so.
The coming Solstice will have a profound influence on external events too, though it always is an intensely personal experience. In a few days’ time, all over the world probably in every different country, somewhere people will honour the Solstice – in prayer, meditation, vigil, ritual, or a mere brief remembering. It is one of those times, ancient beyond memory, when there is a coming together in spirit, and it is beautiful.
This is a time of sun and moon, night and day, winter and summer – a time of re-balancing, a time of endings and beginnings and a spiritual new cycle. For me, the Solstice is one of the most significant and sacred days of the year, when I feel the presence of God on our precious lands and in all life most closely. The great Beings which are the representatives of God and of all the iconic spiritual and religious figures are strongly near us at this time of Solstice and of Christmas light as they guide and guard our cosmic paths through life and far beyond.
This Solstice of 2019 is one of awakening – awakening of spirit, of discernment, of action, of you, and of everything. If you pause, at this Solstice time, to ask* and you listen to the answer, you will know what it is you can do, today and tomorrow and every day to help yourself and to help your world. It is time for people everywhere to rouse themselves from the languor of familiarity from a life lived in the past in order to claim their present, in which their future lies. The time is now and the opportunity is now.
Remember what this Solstice means, if you can, for the more people that do so, the more extraordinary the results of this time will be. Your thoughts and prayers matter.
*I have recorded a new special guided meditation for this Solstice which is available on the Free Meditations page (the first item) of the Inlumino Global website. You can access it here. It is very powerful, and not to be treated lightly! It is an opportunity to ask…..
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.