Belonging is something that seems to happen without needing much thought: you find ourselves in a home - if you are lucky - and often in a family unit with a circle of friends and colleagues too who are part of your life more it would seem by chance rather than as a result of your careful judgment. The friends come and go, as do homes and pets and jobs and family, and the one constant in this fluid game of snakes and ladders you play all the time is your self. Even your soul appears more to respond to the game you play in life than drive it.
You the human being are in the driver’s seat of life, but often you drive randomly and without purpose, unclear of where you are going because you are unclear about yourself. The soul can be bewildered by this uncertainty of intent, and tired of it too. It knows there is work to do and so is frustrated by the inertia of so many people who are driving blind, following the car in front without thinking whether it is the right road, why you are making the journey, if your travelling companions are the right ones and where you want to get to. When you live on auto-pilot you are wasting time and opportunity, achieving little when being on this Planet, at this time particularly, is such an honour and a gift.
The period of latitude and lassitude that has prevailed for so long is ending as Earth begins to shake, and you are forced by her to wake up and decide finally where you are going and how you want to be. The events of this year are compelling you to face the true realities of life and death, as your patient soul rejoices with relief that the long wait is over, even if your choices complicate, even set back, the spiritual journey you are making. Whatever you choose is fine because you will get there in the end.
Humanity is dividing into two very different energetic and physical groups: the great separation of incarnate souls is under way just as Earth herself is separating from her old third-dimensional manifestation into a new and sacred form never before known since her creation. The nature of this human and Earthly divide is clear to see as people react to the last world and the new world, giving or taking, demanding or grateful, loving or hostile, discerning or refusing to see the truth.
How you are determines where you belong, and there are two choices, two clans only. You have made your choice, you have chosen your clan and you will find it is peopled by like-minded souls who share your values and want the same outcome. The two clans are polar opposites to each other, and one is not necessarily better than the other depending on your perspective.
This is a good time to reflect on your clan and to put your life in order so that all that is in your life is commensurate with its ethos. Do not judge the other second clan, do not feel superior or better than its members because by so doing you are thinking with spiritual arrogance and ego. While you may think you have made your choice of clan, your present and future actions can change everything and turn your world upside down.
Decide where you belong, and live in accordance with the principles embedded in your group: this is your final call before the great separation becomes embedded in history. For you and your fellow clansmen there is only the one sacred human world remaining which is your world, for the other is gone and no longer exists.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.
Só beautiful...and exciting Claire... thank you
Thank you, Jacqueline. Yes, this is an important time - exciting but also sobering. It helps to remember that whatever happens, all really is well.
The idea of 'the Divide' involving two clans brings to mind the further thought that there is indeed a divide between those who drive the cruder divide of dichotomy and polarisation, and those who believe in nuance, complexity and a need to navigate.
Thank you for your interesting and helpful comment, Jonathan. I will add that sometimes nuance, if it fails or is not enough, has to be replaced by the need for directness and truth, also that operating with sensitivity and empathy in every situation - and clan - is very desirable. Human choice reacting to change and challenge is creating the separating of society and apparent polarisation now: it may be very different soon, when the world has settled.