
The Mother of the World, at the Full Moon

August 26, 2015,
Claire Montanaro

I look at her every day, wondering when the world will wake up. Sometimes her energy and symbolism are particularly strong, and I feel this now as the August Moon moves to her crescendo in the next few days. This Full Moon is about the feminine mystery, about secrets and shadows, about what is hidden and what is waiting to be revealed; it is about blindness and the challenge that comes from being in the dark; it is about the waiting that precedes a birth, just as we await the manifestation of the Plan of God. It is about the Mother of the World. Mother of the WorldBefore the light can illuminate the way, there must be darkness. Before we walk our path with ease, there must be pain and struggle; we must earn the right to know the secrets of all time, and to stand clearly in our spiritual greatness. The August Full Moon is our reminder of what is most important in our life. Look at this picture of the Mother of the World. See her serenity and her distance, see the dazzling stars over her head, the symbolic images sewn into her robes, and the small figures of men and women waiting for her to be accessible to them. The irony is that it is we humans who have created the separation, and it is up to us, individually and collectively, to heal it. The August Full Moon is the perfect time to remember the essential truth that, in everything, the answer lies within.   [byline]]]>

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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

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