
Wildflower Equinox

September 20, 2020,
Claire Montanaro
Let your best seeds flourish…….
In September I try to cut back the patches of meadow that have grown unchecked throughout the spring and summer in my wildlife garden, when most of the wildflowers are spent, preparing the ground for the year to come.

A neighbour spent yesterday helping me to clear the old vegetation.  It was strange to see the new space and light and air in place of tall grasses and flower heads, comparative neatness where before there was insect-filled disorder and impenetrability.  Even though I left grass corridors for wildlife I felt a little guilty that their playground had been disturbed and hiding places revealed: it will be wonderful for hunting owls but not so good for their prey, good for birds looking for worms, but not so happy for the worms.  That, of course, is nature’s way of perfect balance, and in my human-ness the new temporary neatness gives me pleasure, a sense of order and expansiveness and the opportunity to see, for a while, what has been hidden for many months. 

This small, simple and natural change to the environment contrasts with the overgrown jungle of complexity that is the outside world, where it is easy to be choked by the weeds of information and instruction, threats and promises.  It can be hard to know what to believe and what to do: what are the weeds and which are the flowers? What needs to be removed now and what can and should we keep? 

It helps to remember that our most important task, always, is to tend the wellbeing of our soul.  How we do this is personal to each of us, but the elements of simplicity, honesty and the desire to help are key for us all.  If we can strip away what does not matter or is not true in order to reach the heart of our heart and the spirit of our soul we can find that sense of freedom and connection which will ensure whatever we do is right in every way, whatever we are told.  The most perfect meadow needs attention sometimes.

As the Equinox approaches, the time of true and total balance, the paradox of choice between confusion and clarity is stark.  This is our betwixt and between time where we sit between weeds and flowers, reality and illusion.  The hard part is recognising what is the weed and what is not, for all weeds are precious in their own way, just as the most alluring flower can be deadly. 

If you can, be aware of what chokes you, what is uncomfortable or what needs cutting away as you hear and think and reflect on world and life events; do whatever you need to create light and space and air in you, and let your Equinox be a time of moving into equilibrium not discombobulation.  Like the wildflower meadow, clear out the old material in order to let your best seeds flourish, the seeds of your soul and of great growth to come. 

Above all, do not let anyone, ever, interfere in or try to alter your divine and timeless contract with the Source of your light: now, that is your choice and that is your challenge, and that is why this Equinox is so very important.



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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife.  My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.

5 comments on “Wildflower Equinox”

  1. Hello Claire
    Thank you for all your messages. How lovely, the way you express your profound message through the clearing of vegetation to allow light and space through. And how this leads us to the need to balance at this time of equinox.
    You give much food for thought.
    Also, a belated thank you for the "Heart of the Storm" wih the beautiful angel in the clouds!

  2. Your ability to convey a strong message to put one on a self improvement path citing examples from nature is remarkable. Their is plenty one can learn from the experiences you share. Great learnings

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