Looking beneath the snows lies a feminine womb-like place of mystery where psychic forces inside and beyond us push and call us to connect with the great spiritual force which is everywhere, epitomised by lunar magic and the ruthless call of Mercury, about to turn retrograde and reminding us of the changing shadows of life and death, dark and light, of resurrection and transcendence. This is a time when the influence of the Divine Feminine is at its strongest bringing, if we allow it, a calming gentle grace to temper the tempers of global confusions and to help us trust and know.

The day, tomorrow, of equal light and dark has, beyond its own equilibrium, the qualities which are perfect to be the counter-balance to the mischief of Mercury. It is about birth and rebirth as winter becomes spring and the sleeping shoots of nature awaken, despite the wintry resistance; it is about solar energy starting to warm the earth even when the earth is frozen; about growth and expansion; about abundance and joy. So many aspects of the Divine Masculine are inherent in this time of the sleeping splendour of nature, balancing the mysteries hidden beneath the snows and ice by the mystic Sisters.
At the Vernal Equinox the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine will come together to create a totality of perfection. You are part of it for these aspects of God are in you, they are you. If you wish to mark this special day, align yourself with the energies of Mother Moon and of Gaia: create, with them, a triangle of grass-green light and see our beautiful planet within its centre. Hold Earth there in peace, safe and loved, a part of all and perfect always – even and especially when shrouded in snow.