As I look at events in Salisbury, Trump’s America, China and Russia just today, it is hard to know where the truth lies. We are given facts and the facts change; the answers to questions are incomplete or wrong; and the layers of obfuscation are baffling. It feels as if we are living in a deliberately distorted dream – and that to wake up to reality could be deeply shocking. The most troubling aspect of the confusion is that those of us who are not in the global inner circle do not know if it is a created deception, coincidence or bad luck.
It is likely that the turbulent events ongoing now are the results of desire – for power, money, control, or conflict. The quality of desire, so much a feature of the mind-based Piscean age, is being challenged not just as we move into Aquarius but also by the influence of Pluto which has strong associations with death, and which is influencing us powerfully now as the Planet moves into her transition.
Pluto will bring about the death of desire and obsolete beliefs, and will shatter the layers of illusion that have comfortably held us in that dream state for so long. Those who live by and for desire will have nothing, and we will be forced to see the truth. Life will become simpler: without desire, what will we want? Without money, what will we have? We will have what we need, and time will be very different. Life will be simple.
Simplicity is not always easy, for there is no escaping a reality that is unavoidable without any distractions to prevent us seeing the truth about ourselves and our world. Pluto will kill everything in us that inhibits our consciousness, and that prevents the anchoring of the new age on Earth. Pluto will ensure that only the truth lives and that simplicity prevails, knowing that this must be done to enable the return of the Christ, not so far away now.
Can you imagine a world without desire? Can you imagine
your world without desire? You may want to think about it. Does nature feel desire?
G'day, Claire!
As I was reading through your blog post, I was reminded of an old Shaker song about simplicity. Perhaps you will hear it in the American composer Aaron Copland's *Appalachian Spring*?
Thank you, William. Yes, it is good to be reminded of the ethos of the Shakers.