What I say here is not about Black Lives Matter as some may think and is not in any way meant to be racist, but it is no coincidence that the movement’s message has become prominent again now to reveal and remind us of the vagaries of human nature in people of all colours and in societal structure.
So, black and white, dark and light - this polarisation within our society and within ourselves is a new aspect of duality. We each have shadows and radiance within us, for we are human, but now conscious choices are being made internally and through external expression as to which of these opposing paths we choose to walk in our new future.
People’s actions in the unrest of recent days have been revealing, and we have seen the best and the worst of human nature as they fight for the maintenance or promotion of the values they have chosen, values relating to “me” or “us”, money or community, self-gratification or the planet.
The new solstice energies are exposing the black and white truth within each of us us and also are shaking up, again, the established structures of society. More shocks are likely as the results of our choices, particularly those based on mayan illusion, and the disintegration that is the necessary forerunner of the new world creation will be worldwide but visible particularly in the United States of America as extremes of political volatility and social suffering affect it and countries far beyond. We will all be touched by the forceful hand of change.
It is important to remember, as we watch these great events, that behind darkness there is light and that this is our opportunity to recognise and encourage that light wherever we can. Change is inevitable, but our efforts and actions can turn the process into one of hopeful anticipation and a rewarding new reality.
Take advantage of the new solstice energies and use them as a spiritual weapon to facilitate the coming divine truth. Take the love that is in the core of your heart and turn it into a spark of light that blazes into a brilliance so dazzling it overpowers all and any blackness: you have all the power you need to make black white and to dissipate the gloom.
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I am a spiritual teacher, channel and writer with a special interest in esoteric philosophy and the world in transition, who loves nature and wildlife. My aim is to help your human and soul journey through spiritual wisdom, spiritual connection and the raising of consciousness.